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Your Sales Manager PlanIncludes 3MB Image Hosting
 Pay As You Go Plan
$3.00/month, $0.12/listing**, 1.25% final value fee*

*Maximum charge for final value fee is $4.95 per item
**Good Till Canceled listings will be charged a listing fee once for each 30 day period.
Vendio Also Recommends

   FREE Gallery and Buyer Appreciation

Cross sell all your eBay items in every listing with a FREE Vendio Gallery. Includes Vendio's FREE Buyer Appreciation Service. 


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 I consent to Vendio's payment of a Referral Bonus, as described in our Fees Policy, to the person who referred me to Vendio, listed above. I understand that Vendio will credit 15% of my Vendio fees for the next 6 months to the person who referred me to Vendio. (Please ignore this statement if there is no referral listed above)

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